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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  October 29, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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heavy winds and rain battering the coast as sandy move closer to shore. many who live along those coastal communities have been evacuated, moved into shelters. >> you're looking at live pictures. buoys registering 25-foot waves this morning around the eye of sandy. it is growing and getting closer in the metro area, compared to what we're seeing there, just a taste of what's to come in the next 24 to 36 hours, so hold on, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> veronica johnson joins us now. what are we going to see? >> yeah, meteorologist tom
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kieran has just handed it over to me. he's been watch the storm throughout the morn. you can see the heavy band making its way from areas of eastern shore inland. what we seen out there in areas east, over 5 inches of rain. areas around ocean city. over four inches of rain. getting into areas of delaware, over 3 inches of rain. those are the kind of rainfall amounts we're going to see before long. as, again, the center of hurricane sandy gets closer and closer to us. it's already made that turn not just to the north but towards the north and west. getting closer to the coast. you can see it there. landfall expected somewhere between delaware and the southern new jersey coast around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. here's the latest track coming out. this should be the 11:00 p.m. track for you. to the north and west. coming ashore around areas of southern new jersey, northern
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delaware. then again, the storm system, we're really going to see it spread out even more. talking about 1,000 miles across the storm system affecting areas all the way from the coast, as far west as ohio. look at that heavy band of rain from norfolk through areas of d.c. pushing westward with the white stuff. yeah, that snow that's already falling in areas of west virginia. southern areas of charleston and around roanoke. look at rain totals it gathersburg, .62 inches of rain. close to an inch and a half. 2.23 inches right now, packs river. we've got flood warnings up for frederick county, maryland. we've got the area under a flood watch and throughout this whole area by late today, late tomorrow, that is, we're
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expecting between 5 and 10 inches of rain. the higher amounts in that area shaded in yellow. maryland's eastern shore, again, through delaware. so 5 to 10 inches of rain. flood watch here. also montgomery county, flood warning areas. you're seeing some high river watches. believe their flood stage is just over 15. tuesday morning, just over 22 feet. 51 degrees, our temperature. that's the other thing, just how chilly it is out there. temperatures from 50 degrees there. 48 in gathersburg. 50 degrees in laplatta. by later today, we'll see some of our highest winds. starting at about 6:00 this evening. running up until 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. gusting over 60 miles an hour. the wind will subside by early tomorrow morning. still rain on tuesday.
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back to you. >> we showed you ocean city a bit ago. rehoboth also getting hit hard. we've had hundreds of people evacuated already. >> all right, erika gonzalez has been out there all morning. there she is. can you tell us what it's looking like? >> you see the water coming in? the drive ban that's been issued by the governor that started at 5:00 this morning, that means anybody seen on the roadway is going to get a citation. anything over that, you'll spend some time in jail. most important thing is for people to hunker down. we now know about 400 people in the area have decided to go on to one of the three shelters here. there are seven shelters open
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total. the mandatory evacuation was set in place for anybody. waves have been picking up. wind has been picking up. we're expecting to see hurricane force winds by later this afternoon. the water levels have just been so impressive. they've obviously just wrecked the dunes. they've made their way here, along the board walk. look at the fences, they're coming down into pieces. i want you to see this erosion. this is probably one of the most impressive things. this has happened here within the past couple of hours. will you look at this, that's maybe 2, 3 feet. that just happened here within the last couple of hours. this is going to give way.
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we have to be so cautious here. we want to show you the best shot but the further and further we go out on these things, this is just going to give way. it's not going to take much longer. there is so much more that is coming. we have not seen the most intense things that sandy will offer. it's going to affect a lot of people. we met one woman who was telling us yesterday, an 82-year-old woman, was telling us she'd weathered so many storms and just decided not to stay and went ahead and sought shelter. take a listen to her. >> you're going to come to a shelter, you have to recognize you're basically going to get space on the floor. you need to bring a sleeping bag, a llow. there is limited food so you'll be fed, but there's not a lot of comforts of home. >> in my case, it's getting
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older. it's not secure like it used to be. i guess it's -- your health comes first. >> reporter: okay. so here's the other portion of this. water is still gushing in. it's been sweeping through on the board walk so much that you can see the pebbles, the rocks and sand. you've got pthis all over the place. our producer over here, and the water has recently gone across here it it's really the first time we've been able to see it. the only people here are the
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hotel staff, so thankful they've been here with us, offering us coffee and towels and so forth. are you -- you guys live here? what are you doing here? oh, my gosh. you live here in reboboth? >> we live down, around the corner there. we wanted to see everything going on. >> how long have you lived in rehoboth? >> about 12 years. >> have you seen it this bad? >> we've seen it worse, oh, yeah. >> you know it's going to get much worse, right? >> oh, yeah. >> are you planning on boarding up? >> we already are, it's all good. >> are you going to leave? >> no, we're staying. >> why have you decided to stay? >> well, we're just as safe here as we would be going inland to our other home because it's surrounded by trees. >> did you get water, food? >> we're good, we have everything. we're pros at this.
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we lived at the beach for 12 years, we're pros. >> i lived in florida for a few years. >> what do you think of the storm so far? this so-called sandy? >> pretty spectacular. i like to watch the ocean. >> definite sight to see. all right, thank you so much. please stay safe. thank you. barbara, things definitely starting to pick up. you can see some rogue residents that are out here. we want to remind everybody there's a mandatory evacuation for anybody that lives within three quarters of a mile of the beach. they're not supposed to be here. but we are hunkering down and we're trying to stay as safe as possible. >> you showed us the ground floor, then you panned up to your rooms. those are not boarded up. are you going to be able to stay there this evening? what's been told to you? >> right. i want to show you, so you see the cameras that are poking out
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in some of the floor levels? this is where some of the crews have decided when things get bad or worse, when we can no longer bring you live shots from here, we're going to be doing them from our bal cons. there's some crews up there. we've got a room that's way on the back end of the building. from what understand, that was built after the storm of '62. that's what a lot of people are almost comparing this to. meteorologists have said that this is going to be worse than that storm. this is going to be worse than that. so we want to remind them to please be as safe as possible. just in case the windows should break, we've got something there to shield us from that.
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>> we've been watching you since early this morning. would you say it's gotten to be coming in bursts, the wind and the rain? >> yeah, we got quick bursts, and then it lulls for a moment. you'll see the waves pick up. high tide was at 7:55 this morning. the veracity of these waves and just huge levels. this is not even the height of the storm yet. we're going to see so much more. still so much more to see from sandy. so we're expecting for later this afternoon for us to really be pushed around by these winds. that's when we expect hurricane force winds. right now, gusts at 45 miles per hour. still, a lot more to be seen here on rehoboth beach. >> erika, hang in there, we'll be checking back with you. we want to go to a break right now and mention our continuing
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team coverage. you can also go to these arlive pictures from ocean city where folks, part of the town pier has come down, extensive damage there. >> we'll be right back.
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in virginia, we know education means opportunity. that's why tim kaine expanded pre-k... championed higher ed and job training... helping make virginia "the best state to raise a child." but george allen has not made our kids a priority. as governor, he tried to cut funding for public schools. in washington, allen voted to end tax deductions for college tuition. and now, a budget plan that devastates k-12 classrooms-- all to pay for even more tax breaks for the wealthy. seiu cope is responsible for the content of this ad.
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would ban all abortions and contraception seemed a bit extreme. so i looked into it. turns out, romney doesn't oppose contraception at all. in fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save a mother's life. this issue's important to me, but i'm more concerned about the debt our children will be left with. i voted for president obama last time, but we just can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. and this is maryland. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law.
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so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. we have a heavy rain falling in the district now. it looks like a ghost town because metro bus and rail not running. the nonessential employees of government not here. so it's not a lot of people working. a lot of people hunkering down. >> people are heeding the warnings that we've heard from the mayor. both governors and federal
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officials as well. we want to get the latest from a neighborhood that knows a thing or two about it, bloomingdale in northwest washington. no flooding yet but folks there, would you say they're ready, megan? >> reporter: i would say they're ready. they've had a lot of experience with flooding in the past with just normal stone storms. they know the drill. the public work crews have been taking a look at the early, looking at it so the drains can drain. it seems a lot of people have taken the advice, have stayed down, hunkered down at home. we're seeing very light traffic. a lot of folks are still stocking up. all morning long, we've been seeing people heading out with shopping bags. they had sandbags across the door, they were not open.
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about an hour or so ago, the owner did come, remove the sandbag, and they opened for business. a lot of folks flat to see them open. i see you've got cereal and what else? >> some bread. got some sandwiches from here. keep us occupied in case the power goes out. >> you feel like you're ready? >> i hope so. i'm not worried about getting flooded. i april just worried about the wind and power being knocked out. >> you have to work later? >> yeah, i work at the local bar so if we got power, we're open. >> the wind is supposed to really pick up. >> luckily, i live almost right next door to the bar so it won't be that bad of a walk but we do have flooding in our street. we have to worry about it. so we're sandbagged up. >> have you flooded in the past? >> this block always floods and
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i'm in the basement. >> what have you done? >> sandbag all around the window, lifted the bed, got everything off the floor and sleeping in someone else's room. >> you've actually relocated? >> yeah. >> neighbors have done the same thing? i'm assuming because there's been such a problem with flooding? >> yeah, think so. we got sandbags really early, trying to prepare for it. >> all right. glad you got some more supplies. again, show you what's going on. lots of people out and about. i think they believed this is probably their best opportunity. they needed eggs and other thing, now is the time to do it. later on this evening, we're going to get a lot of really heavy rain is what we're expecting. we're also expecting those winds to pick up later on this afternoon into the evening and of course through the overnight hours. we're talking about potentially dangerous winds. could bring down trees. could bring down tree limbs.
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we're expecting power outages as well. it's gotten very cold out here. it's chill in the air, a cold rain. so not great weather. not great conditions for being out and about. a lot of folks venturing out now. really later this evening, that's the time to stay at home, ride out the storm at home and just play it safe. reporting live in northwest, meg be mcgrath, news4. >> get back in the cafe for some soup or coffee, megan. >> lucky for folks around there is any food left. >> there's been a run on batteries, water -- >> everything. i'm surprised some of the stores have anything left after the run on so many of these products. >> up north, new jersey and cape may, danielle lee joins us live.
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how are the conditionses where you're at right now? >> we're still getting rain. we are hearing more reports of floodi. i want to get straight to another live camera, a shot of the beach right behind me. you can get a sense of these violent waves. this is a much different scene. >> and with a storm of this magnitude, you can expect to see that all over the air waves and all th channels and cable outfits as well. some glitches. that was live from cape may. we'll be heading back to her shortly. danielle lee reporting live there. that is within the cone they talk about. ocean city maryland, all the way to new england. we could be feeing the effects of this. new jersey, ocean city, they could be feeling a bit. i think we've reconnected, is that right? continue. danielle? this is washington. so you were telling us about the
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conditions there. it looks like the wind is not picking up as much as the rain there. >> reporter: it's not picking up. we're expecting that to happen later today. in a way, i feel lake we're just sitting there waiting for the wind. we know the hurricane is going to intensify. it's leading to puddling because the ground is saturated. we're hearing about flooding. we talked to people who are up to their waist in water in their homes. we had a photographer whose car nearly stalled out trying to drive in these flooded streets. also, power outages have begun and they're expected to get
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worse. reporting live, i'm danielle lee, back to you. >> one of the many towns getting pounded right now. as we go to break, i think we'll see some more live pictures from ocean city. anncr: it's said that character is what we do... when we think no one is looking. mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans. his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education. so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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this is a live picture from cape may, new jersey. they say that area of new jersey is going to see the wind. it's going to continue to get stronger. >> sandy made that left turn
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about 7:00 this morning. as predicted. now the guest is it could be from here on the maryland, ocean city side, all the way up to new jersey. anywhere in that cone. we'll get the very latest from our meteorologist in a bit. we talked about flood. we talked about rain. one of the big concerns between now and the next 24 hours are the downed wires in the middle roads. we've already seen some and some problems in our roadways. >> what's going on now, race road is closed at montevideo road. as you mentioned, this is because of heavy wind gusts knock the the wires down on to the roadway. they're wait to clear that. also dealing with high standing water in waldorf, northbound. if you're traveling northbound at post office road, you'll see
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your right lane blocked by high standing water in that area. also in the district, northwest still seeing flooding happen and blocking the right lane. this is as you travel southbound. connecticut avenue at mccome. police are on the scene. you have to stick to the left. already the left is starting to get some high standing water in that area as well. so i'm still recommending, if you can stay in, stay in and stay tuned. >> we mentioned the downed lines. something we can expect to see. this is going to be one of many reminders. today, tonight, if you see a signal out, treat it as a four-way stop sign. >> and report it if you can. because a lot of those areas will not be reported. they can't fix them unless they know about them. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware.
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and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. athat's what the plan georged allen supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee...
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is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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welcome back to our continuous coverage of hurricane
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sandy. the hurricane has just strengthened again. >> it hasn't even made landfall yet. now, to veronica to find out what we can expect. >> winds at 90 miles per hour. tracking north-northwest at 18 miles per hour. once sandy makes landfall, when she does, which will be later this evening around 8:00, sandy will slow down. slow down and spread out even more. there you can see the center again with the winds at 90 miles an hour. here's a look at the latest track. trending west and northwest throughout the day today, into this evening. coming ashore somewhere around norj area of delaware. coming inland with a lot of the storm spreading out, just sitting, hitting several high
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tide time. spots ly s like little falls, t creek in sharpsburg. we're still going to see river rises with water major flooding taking place. the mwind field, here we are, 6:00, where you can see the orange, the winds up to 67 miles per hour. tropical storm force winds coming right inland up till tomorrow morning. i think once we get into the early morning hours on tuesday and we approach the noon hour, we're really going to see the winds start to die down rather quickly. there it is on radar. you can see the band of heavy rain. this was around ocean city, delaware, not too long ago, early this morning. now it's over us.
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seeing snow in west virginia. that will continue to pile up. down i-95, quantico, fredericksburg. already rainfall at 1 inch per hour. we could see rainfall hit 2 inches per hour. so very heavy. extreme rain forecasts for this afternoon and evening. annapolis, over 2 inches in patch river. wallace island has picked up over 5 inches of rain. chincoteague has picked up 5 inches as well. the naval academy, 2 inches of rain. how cool it is outside, how chilly it is. you've got cold air that's rushing in with the hurricane approaching landfall. 48 degrees, gathersburg. so chilly today, with temperatures not rising month more throughout the day. as that cold air continues to
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come in, this you're seeing in west virginia, that is know that will continue to accumulate. not just for today but throughout the day tomorrow. you can see the rain waning on tuesday. really starting to decrease. 22 inches of rainfall forecast out there. heavy rain, winds. the temperature not moving much. 50, your high for tomorrow. even rain lingering into early wednesday. >> you've been telling us over the last two days, it's two storms converge, have they converged at this point? >> they have not. we're going to see that later today. we're expecting really heavy snowfall rates out west as well. again, you're going to see this system really expand and open up even more. so we haven't seen that yet. truly, the right ingredients. we've got high pressure helping to push this storm system to the
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cold air. >> is there anything we're not getting out of this, that's the question. >> not that i can think of. this is a storm system i know i will probably not see again in my lifetime. >> the snow that's fallen so far, is that from the storm that was coming into the west? >> exactly, that's the storm coming in from the west. where you see sandy make landfall and start to spread out, it's really going to slow down, as i said. we've got moment on it now, west-northwest at 18 miles per hour. when it comes inland, probably around 13, maybe 15 miles per hour. it will slow down. it will hit that other weather system. that's when we're going to see high rainfall rates out west. maybe even a few inches around here throughout the latter part of tuesday. >> right here in the district? >> right here in the district, not out of the question. i'm talking about anything that you have to get out and shovel but this will probably be some
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conversational flakings that fall around here late tuesday. >> so you must be expecting the temperatures to go further down than they are now? >> that's right, they will. by the time we get into early wednesday morning, for sure. >> thanks, veronica. all major public school stps in d.c., maryland and virginia are closed this morning. the same goes for private schools in the area. as for the federal government, all nonessential employees should stay home. most local governments are closed. metro shut down all rail and bus service for the first time since 2003. mart and vre are also closed. amtrak service in the northeast corridor is also shut down. you can find a complete list of closgs at inthe bottom of your screen and online at we want to head across to virginia now. melissa mollet is standing by. what are conditions like where
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you are? >> reporter: we had to come over from alexandria, it was just getting way too windy. so we came over here. we're at this higher point here in arlington. you can see, it has gotten really windy here. it is so much colder than it was just a little while ago. you can see the pentagon there in the distance. folks traveling both ways on 395. traffic not bad at all. we're hoping lots of people are staying home. it is only going to get worse over the next couple of hours. unless you absolutely have to be out for some reason, for work perhaps like us, definitely want to stay home. i can tell you the experience in old town was interesting this morning. the potomac river always flooding. that was kind of starting as we were leaving about an hour or so ago. lots folks putting sandbags out
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because of that low-lying area. lts of folks putting plastic tarps out over windows with tape, to make sure that if it shatters, that that is secure. so we're keeping an eye on things for you. we'll be back out here for you just after noon today. >> all right, melissa, thanks. i just got something i just retweeted, ocean city pier ripped apart. downtown underwater, he says. we want to show you a life picture from rehoboth beach. the waves are kicking up there from the board walk. we saw a lot of dune destruction. we'll have a live report right after the break. [ earnest ] out of the blue one day,
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we were told to build a 30-foot stage.
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gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. imillion dollars for maryland one hundred schools.ty...on
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question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven.
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the beaches of maryland and delaware are being pounded right now. new jersey as well. erika gonzalez has been out at rehoboth beach. a lot of damage to the beach there. >> you're on your balcony now? >> yeah, you know what, we came inside to dry off a little bit because we were sopping wet. this is our second floor room. take a look this way. you can see some of the fencing has pushed out to shore. and look at the wind. and it's still gusting. we just got a little bit of a ledge here. we want to show you the conditions. this is how we're making it
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possible. there's another station there. you set up a light, you run some cables down, and you stand on a balcony. this is how we're bringing you coverage. when the waves get too intense and this boardwalk gets filled, this is where we're going to be. we're going to do the best that we can. we want to show you this little room we've got. this is how we're keeping safe as well. in order to make this our little newsroom, we have flipped up this bed and we've got tables. this is another way that we can stay safe. especially if you're at home and you want to protect yourself from the windows. take your mattresses and flip them over your window, that's a great idea. so we are -- just all kinds of people. we've got chips ahoy, bagels, fruit. this is how we're continuing our
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coverage. we've been at it since 4:00 a.m. peanut butter, instant coffee. laptops up here. elegant flat ware. just kidding, it's plastic. ramen noodles, the ever important meal. this is the bathroom. this is all of our jackets. they're just sopping wet. we're all taking turns drying off. we've all brought multiple changes of clothing just because we need to stay as dry as possible. we'll continue to bring you coverage. goldfish and coffee is what i've been living on. it's really, really great. some hard boiled eggs for some protein. great idea to protect you from some windows. take your mattresses, flip it over and throw it up over the windows. look at the water again, just rising. again, the mandatory evacuation was set for anybody within three quarter of a mile. the hotel staff has been
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wonderful with us and they have stayed here and they're making sure we have all the coffee, all the blankets that we need. we are weathering the storm together. we're doing this as a team. we're very proud to be here with you. and to show you what we're seeing. so we have to say thank you to dave, who's behind the lens, laura, our producer. also, our photographer. and this is the crew that's making it happen out here for you in rehoboth beach. >> we are not as worried about you now because you guys have that plan in place. you've got the fig newtons. and plastic probably works better when they become proje projecti projectiles, i would think. you've got a lot of stuff in there that can easily fly around i'm seeing. >> absolutely. if you get a producer that's mad enough. right, lauren? there you go. keeping us on task. like, erika, bring it in.
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>> erika, it's not as easy for us to get a feel for just how bad the wind and the rain is. we you were outside and being battered by it -- we do see the white caps. the tide is really high. is this considered high tide here at this time? >> no, no, barbara. high tide was this morning at 7:55 is when high tide rolls in. it was impressive. i'm from texas. i've lived in coastal regions. i've seen some pretty good waves. i was around for hurricane dolly. i've cover hurricane gustauv in louisiana. it's cold out here. you're got gloves on, you're trying to stay as warm as possible. we'll bring you updates, live, news 4. erica, hang in there. thanks again. we've got a little bit of time before any of those conditions reach us. >> exactly. >> and time means we can be a
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little smarter. there are things you can be doing at home. liz crenshaw is joining us now. particularly with the food. everybody's concerned about if power goes out, what do you do? >> we get a lot of questions from folks saying how long will things last, et cetera. so the point is, you still have a few hours to do a few things at home to keep your food safe longer. the u.s. department of agriculture helped us with these tips. while your fridge and your freezer are still working, make sure the zero freezer is at 0 o below and your fridge is 40 or below. if you need to put your food in coolers are eye, freeze containers of water and put it in those coolers for later use. you can also freeze refrigerated items like milk or fresh meat and poultry. if you keep your nonperishable food in the basement, make sure it's shelved high enough and out of the way of any water that
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might come in due to flooding. if you do lose power, i want you to remember this, jot it down. here's what you need to know. the refrigerator is going to keep food safely cold for only about four hours but you have to keep the door closed. if you want to throw out, you're going to have to throw out refrigerated foods such as meat, poultry, fish, deli item, after four hours without power. that's not very long. your freezer will be good for about two days but you have to keep the door closed. one day if the freezer is only about half full. food will still be safe if it has ice crystals. and then you can refreeze it. we always say when in doubt, throw it out. you can't taste it or smell it and say, okay, my food is fine. so the bottom line is, go ahead and freeze some stuff now, put it in the freezer. and then you've only got about four hours on your refrigerator
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stuff. keep that in your head. >> we're going to go out to montgomery county now. the county executive there, montgomery county. what's happening there now and what do you want to tell constituents? >> well, we're being careful now. with the roads. if you don't have to go out, please do not go out at this point in time. it is simply too dangerous. and the roads in low-lying areas begin to flood and we have a number of them already, for example, portions of beach drive, those roads are closed. so at least partially closed. keep in mind in the areas that are prone to flood, those most likely will flood sooner than later. so make sure you've -- be careful going out on the roads today. >> hundreds of thousands of -- could lose power over the next few days. i know pepco has a huge staging
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area there at the fair grounds which we've been showing all morning long. what do you tell people who will be losing their power in terms of being patient. because these crews can't get out there till these winds die down. >> first, the key word is is being patient. i think pepco has done a much better job. crews available to respond to the challenge we face today. however, with the winds, they can't go out, so do not expect them to come out if the winds continue to be at a high level. i do believe they're better positioned now. they can do a much better job. we certainly have to be patient. give them the opportunity to out. and if you need emergency assistance, you can go. our emergency numbers are available. our 311 system is available. we do fear the challenges associated with power outage. they're in much better positions than they were this summer. >> all right. thank you so much for joining us. stay safe out there.
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montgomery county. >> we've got a long way to go. 7:00 could be the worst of it. the earliest of the worst of it, folks, so hang in there, as we throw to life pictures again from ocean city. where the city pier has come down in part. and downtown, we hear, is pretty much flooded. anncr: which do you believe? what mitt romney's tv ads say about women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should overturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do.
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president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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there are probably some folks looking out the window and thinking we dodged a bullet. but that's because it hasn't got be here yet. >> we just had a taste. coming into work this morning, i will have to say, there was no rush hour. people have been heeding the warnings. a lot of people off of work and school. we've gotten reports accidents. >> one involving a tractor trailer. during the morning, i've had several accidents involving tractor trailers. i whant to caution you, try to stay indoors. northbound i-95, courthouse road, only the right lane will get you by. the accident there involving a tractor trailer in this area. delays on i-95 are growing. keep in mind, volume is still light, so delays are significant. let's talk about the bay bridge.
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wind restrictions are in effect. so no box truck, no tractor trailers. i want to give you a live look of what i-270 looks like. very wet. a lot the cameras just shaking. again, stay indoors. back over to you. >> thanks so much. >> let's find out exactly when we might see this really intense wind here in the district. veronica johnson is standing by. she's got a look again at the storm as it approaches. >> thanks a lot. you see the live look there. the white house where the rain has been falling. it's been faing hard at types already. at a rate of about 1 inch per hour. the worst for it looks like it will be later today. this evening. 6, 7, 8:00, through 11:00 p.m., till 2:00 a.m. in the morning. from the national weather service, they just reported we could possibly see winds up to
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80 miles per hour. gusts for a time period during overnight period. here's the latest with sandy. it's still spinning off the coast, more than 300 miles away from ocean city. the tract still west-northwest coming inland right around delaware, southern new jersey, later today. as it moves on inland, it will be expanding. there will be a lot more rain filled areas throughout pennsylvania and even west throughout our region. we'll see the wind field really expand too. there you see in the middle there, winds will be over 55, close to 57 miles per hour, later today. there's monday, 6:30. we'll take it right into the morning hours. again, the possibility even of some gusts as high or up to 80 miles per hour for a time period during the overnight. let's talk about the rain. there you can see the bands of heavy rain that have been coming in. and several more thatxtend out from the center of sandy.
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several more that will be coming through delaware, coming through okay city. conditions may be a little worst at ocean city than they are in rehoboth. you heard during the high tide this morning, portions of the boardwalk completely washed a y away. the heaviest rain still down to the south. snowing in areas of west virginia. could see between 12 to 24 inches of snow in elevations over 3,000 feet by wednesday morning. heavy rain now just south of i-66. we're going to see this throughout the day. already totals coming in over 2 inches, down to patch river. we're expecting by the time we get to tomorrow, through tomorrow, somewhere between 5 and 10 inches of rain with higher amounts around 7, perhaps 8 inches, some areas of st. mary's county and maryland's eastern shore.
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again, through tuesday. so we'll see some ponding, more ponding today on area roads. street flooding and river flooding as we get into wind, especially above 15 feet average. temperatures in the 50s now. 5 to 10 inches of rain with our temperatures staying in the 50s. >> thank you, we continue our live team coverage. we've got the whole region covered. all three of these storms converging. >> stay with us. as we look at these pictures from rehoboth, the ocean city, reporting one of their historic piers, it has been destroyed. we have a picture that jim received that's really amazing to see that in the ocean. >> we'll be right back with much more so stay with us.
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